Thursday, September 10, 2009

Logans First Rice Cereal

Here is a short video of our first attempt at giving Logan rice cereal!! He really liked it, and ate it very quickly. We were thankful we didn't have any trouble giving it to him. We just hope it continues to be this easy!!!


Morgan said...

haha, that was so cute :) Dan- you think that's messy...wait till he starts fruits & veggies. There's no way to control the mess- just lots of baths!!!

He looks like he enjoyed his first taste of real food! I can't say I'm surprised though, I had a feeling that boy would eat anything you put in his mouth! Welcome to another milestone guys :) Enjoy every bit of it (even the messy fingers!)

Amy and Andy said...

Aunt Chris sent me a link to your blog- so cute! What a great video. I showed it to Jack, and he grinned the whole time as he watched Logan eat.

You might be surprised at the strange places you'll find rice cereal now. Make sure you check your hair before you leave the house! :)