Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Here are some random Photos

Frederick Fair

Our Trip to the Frederick Fair!
Logan Checking out the Animals

Momma Piggy

Baby Piggies!

We put the blanket over Logan to keep the sun off him. As soon as we put the blanket over he grabbed it and started eating it!

Baby Cow


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Logans First Rice Cereal

Here is a short video of our first attempt at giving Logan rice cereal!! He really liked it, and ate it very quickly. We were thankful we didn't have any trouble giving it to him. We just hope it continues to be this easy!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cunningham Falls

We ventured out today to Cunningham Falls. We weren't sure how Logan was going to do though. We thought we could take the stroller on the trails, but thankfully we looked at it before we went. And thankfully I had the carrier in my trunk. Logan really liked going. It was a 1/2 mile each way up to the falls!!! I'm so glad Dan carried him, because there is no way I could've carried him!!

The falls must be suffering from a dry spell. There was hardly any water on them, but that's ok.

I think Logan would've liked it even more if he was facing forward. He kept turning his head all the way around so he could see the trees.

Dad and Logan getting ready to start the venture up the mountain to the Falls! Again, I'm sooo glad Dan carried him up. On the way up, some of it was almost straight up in the air! I would've been scared to carry him.