Sunday, February 21, 2010

Random Pictures of Logan

Morgan I posted this one below for you!! It's the crazy eye thing that Dallin used to do!
I was really bummed that this one is cut off because it is sooo cute. I was trying to make him laugh and hold the camera, and apparently I moved that camera.
He loves playing in the bathroom now!! And he squeezes in the smallest corner. He also loves to hit his head against the wall!
His new toys: DIAPERS!!
He was helping me cook the other day by pulling all of the pans off the lazy susan!

Then he was helping do the dishes! Dan got the idea to put him in the drying rack! He actually didn't mind and was putting his hands in the water.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

2010 Blizzard

Here are some of our pictures of the Blizzard!! Logan wasn't too sure of the snow. He isn't a big fan of cold things, so snow wasn't the greatest!! Oh yea, these we all taken after the first snow!! I will put the other ones up later.

My 2 favorite people!! I don't know what I would do without them!!!
This was us trying to get him all bundled up to go outside. WOW was that a chore :) He really hates getting his coat, but even more doesn't like his hat!!
This is where we knew he really wouldn't like the snow! As soon as he put it in his mouth, he made this really funny face!

As you can see our poor swing was buried!
Dan had to shovel a few different paths in the backyard for Bear to go potty. He likes to have a selection of places to go!! Bear still hasn't braved jumping over the snow yet. I'm thankful he hasn't thought because he would be gone!! We wouldn't be able to see him.