Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Random Christmas Pics

Morgan brought her tub with her to give to me since Dallin has grown out of it. Well the last day we saw them, we were taking the tub home and Dallin saw it. He sat in the tub and Dan started pulling him around the living room. Dallin thought that was really funny. Then the whole rest of the time we were there Dallin would walk over and just sit in it.

All of us wonderful girls(and Dallin) next to the Christmas tree!! Morgan didn't want a picture with me and my Redskins shirt. But we made her do it anyway.
Dallin loves to go outside!! He loves to see the cars that were driving down the street. He makes a car noise everytime he sees one. He can even do the bird sign in sign language!!!
This is just a goofy pic of me holding the cute little blanket that Morgan got for my baby. I will forgive her since it is neutral colors. She just had to buy something and couldn't wait until the 15th to find out!!!! We Love You Morgan

Dallin's 1st Christmas

I am soooooo glad that we got to see the Bennett's for Christmas this year. It is always fun to see how much Dallin has changed. He loves to just walk around.

The one above and below are my two most favorite pictures of Dallin. When he thinks something is silly he always squints his eyes and scrunches his nose. When you laugh at him he just does it more and more.

He wasn't feeling good and probably had a temperature so Morgan thought he would be better if they took his clothes off. Well he just loved that and it totally changed his mood. He was definetly more interested in eating the paper than he was he trying to open the presents.

My parents gave him this little John Deere tractor with a few animals that you can put in it. He just thought that tractor was the greatest thing. He drove it around for quite a while.

Delaware Trip for Christmas

Dallin opening his presents from Nanny and Pop Pop!!! He really liked the little cars they gave him.

Dallin rolling on the footstool in Oma's house. Us kids always used to roll on it, until we got too loud or too close to the TV and Pop would make us stop. Dallin enjoyed it as long as someone was holding onto it.

I'm glad we got the chance to go up and see Oma. She is really doing well. I think she enjoyed seeing all of us, espcially Dallin!!!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

"Extreme Makeover Home Edition" House

As you probably know, Extreme Makeover Home Edition is my favorite show!!! Well we heard that they were building a house not too far from where we live. We really wanted to volunteer to help build it but we were a little too late on the draw. By the time we emailed to help they said that they already had too many helpers. We were sad, but also happy that sooo many people wanted to help. So thanks to my great hubby, he did some research on it and found out that they had a spectators area that you could go and watch them build the house. So of course when he told me I was like "well come on, lets go now!!!" So we went up to see the house. All of these pics were taken on the same day. The 2nd day after they started!! It just goes to show how fast they work. Unfortunetly none of the design team was there. They said that Ty was there early in the morning but left by the time we got there. I wanted to go back on Thursday the day before they revealed it, but it was pouring and freezing. I really didn't want to get sick, so we decided to stay home. The show is supposed to air in January sometime. The house was built for a family with I think 3 autistic children. The parents are big into a Little League that encourages children with physical and mental disabilties to play baseball. I was so glad that I had the opportunity to go see the house. I'm sure that was a once in a lifetime chance!!!!!!

The Great Frederick Fair

Morgan this post is for you!! I know I'm a little behind the times, ok wayyy behind the times but I forgot I had these pics.

All of the cute little piglets!! I remember this always used to be one of the highlights of the fair, minus the smell.

I saw this big blue tractor and I remembered that really old picture of I think it was us on one that looked like it, so I thought I would take a picture of this one. Soon we all will have our own little ones to put on the tractor!!!!!

Well I hope you enjoyed these pics!! I thought it might be something fun to remember!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Alissa's BDay

Here are just a few pictures from Alissa's 3rd Birthday. Britt and Jerry had the party in Baker Park. It was beautiful outside. The kids loved playing at the playground

She was excited about her cupcakes. At first she wouldn't leave them alone. She was trying to protect them so no one else could get them!!!
Dan wanted to swing with all the little girls, until Alissa said she didn't want him to!!
Finally it was time for cupcakes!! All of the kids really enjoyed them!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Joe's First Soccer Game

We got to go to Joe's 1st soccer game. It was pretty cute to see a bunch of 4 and 5yr olds trying to play soccer! I do have to say that they did a good job. Joe's not too sure about the whole "game" thing yet. He likes to run off the field while he is supposed to be playing. Brittany is such a good little soccer Mom!!!!
Here is 1 time when he needed a drink while he was supposed to playing. He doesn't quite understand that he has to stay on the field!!!
He must've gotten bored waiting for the ball to come to him. He thought he would try to do some hand stands while waiting :)
He is very good at kicking the ball. He gets a huge smile whenever he kicks it. He makes sure he gets himself in the crowd so he can get to the ball.
Alissa was being shy tonight, so I had to stap a picture while she clung to Jerry's leg. I almost got a smile from her, but she decided not to.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Brittany's Wedding

Brittany has been my best friend since we were in 2nd grade. We had some rough times but have always stuck together!! She got married on August 2nd. Her wedding was held at a nice resturant with a beautiful patio where the actually ceremony was held. The reception was held inside in one the side rooms of the resturant. It was a wonderful wedding even though it was really hot that day!!
Joe and Alissa walking down the aisle. I couldn't really a good picture of them, the way we were sitting.
Brittany and her Dad walking down the aisle. She looked wonderful that day. Her dress was not a typical wedding dress but it was definetly the perfect style for her.
Britt and her new hubby, Jerry dancing their first dance!! Jerry is really a great guy. He is kind of shy, but we are slowly trying to break him of that :)This is their beautiful car that we decorted. It was Chelsey's idea... Yes, those are oreos on the car. Chelsey quickly had to run to 711 to get stuff because we weren't prepared to decorate the car. So oreos and whipped cream was what it was!! It worked pretty well until the oreos started to melt and slide down the car!!
Lisa and I got Britt a secret present. We made her open it and take it with her on her honeymoon (if you get the point). It was interesting trying to keep the kids away while she opened it!!!!!!

About Me and My Hubby!!!!!!!!

Morgan, Im not a fan of these but since you did it, I thought I'd better do it!!

1. Where did you meet? Dan was a paid firefighter at the Ambulance Company that I volunteered at

2. How long did you date before you were married? About a year and a half

3. How long have you been married? It will be 1 year on September 29th!!!!!!! Im sooo excited

4. What does he do that surprises you? He likes to cuddle!!! When we first started dating it was hard for me cause I wasn't much of a cuddler, but with I loooovvvee it!!!

5. What is your favorite feature of his? He has beautiful dark brown eyes

6. What is your favorite quality of his? He always knows how to make me feel better. If I am having a bad day, he always knows what to say to make it at least a little better

7. Does he have a Nickname for you? I don't really think we have nicknames for eachother, except for honey....hahahhaha, don't make fun of us Morgan

8. What is his favorite color? Blue

9. What is his favorite food? He loves a lot of food. But I think I would have to say Spagetti is his favorite

10. What is his favorite sport? He loves baseball (Orioles) and football (Redskins)

11. When and where was your first kiss? Our first kiss was on our 1st official date, we had been together pretty much 3months before then. It was in the car when I was dropping him off.

12. Favorite thing to do as a couple? Sit and relax together, sometimes with our jobs its hard to spend time together, so when we get the chance we love it

13. Do you have any children? Not yet.. hopefully in the future!!

14. Does he have a hidden talent? Im not too sure that he has a hidden talent...

15. How old is he? HaHaHa, he is wayyyy older than me..just kidding, he is 27

16. Who said I love you first? He did :)

17. What is his favorite type of music? He likes pretty much all types of music. He enjoys alternative rock, and older rock

18. What do you admire most about him? He enjoys hanging out with my family!! I know its hard when you join a new family, but he really enjoys spending time with my family, which I think is really awesome

19. Do you think he will read this? Yes, he enjoys looking at the blog, even though he probably won't admit that he does!!!
Here is a pic of our trip to Gatlingburg. This one was taken at the Ripley's Aquarium!! We had such a fun time!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Labor Day Picnic

Me and baby Grace!! We were sooo glad that Carrie and Grace could come up to our picnic. We were sad because Mike had to work, but we did get to see him the day before!! Grace is such a fun and happy little girl!! She loves getting all of the attention from everyone in the room!!
Uncle Dan and Grace!! Uncle Dan just loooves to be with and hold Grace!! She also loves when he holds her. He sure knows how to make her smile and laugh!!! She is definetly a pleasure to be around.
A group shot of everyone that came up for the picnic. Thanks to Dad bringing up the tent, we had a little bit of shade. We didn't realize the sun would be beating down on the patio at the time we planned the picnic. We were glad that Dan's parents came up even though it was hard for them. Dan's mom had just gotten surgery on her foot!!!
Mom and I trying to keep the dessert together while we were cutting and serving it!! I let it sit out a little too long and it started to melt. Can you tell the Dad's were ready for dessert?? They were hovering like crazy!!

Cookout at Lisa's

Alissa sitting in the car. She was being stubborn and didn't want to get out after I got my camera out!! She said that she was going to drive us home!!!!
The crazy fire that Chris tried to build!! It ended up falling over once the fire really got started. Chris and Lisa have a really nice fire pit in their backyard!! We were going to roast marshmallows but we forgot them and then all the stores were closed when we went to get some.
Me, Britt, and Lisa in front of the fire. The weather was perfect for a little fire.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Our Neice Grace and Nephew Dallin

Here are our neice and nephew!! We are so thankful that we have 2 beautiful little ones in our lives. We always look forward to everday we get to see them. Unfortunately, we don't get to see Dallin very much, but we do get to keep up with him through the blog. We are glad to live pretty close to Grace and her parents so we can visit with them and see how much and how quick Grace is growing up!!! We love our little ones!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Our Wedding September 29, 2007

My Hubby Dan!!!! He is the greatest man in my life. I always said that I was never going to get married. Then I met Dan and for some crazy reason my theory changed very quickly. I'm soo glad that I met him and now we are married!! When we first met he was a bit stubborn and I thought he was never going to ask me out. Then with a little push from some friends he asked me out and the rest is history! We are coming up on our one year anniversary and I am soooooo excited!!! I know that no matter how bad I mess something up he is always there to fix it and let me know that it is ok!! I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I luv you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These are my most favorite girls in the whole wide world!! I don't know what I would do without them. My mom is the most caring, considerate woman!!She has ALWAYS been there for me thru thick and thin. My sister is the sister that I could've asked for!! She is a great listener and advice giver. I know that if I need something she will always be there. I definetly miss her and her family. When she moved away that was one of the hardest things I had to deal with. I miss seeing my nephew all of the time, and seeing how he is growing and changing, but thanks to the phone and computer we are able to stay extremly close! And then Britt, we have been BEST friends since 2nd grade!! I don't know what I would do without her!! We have been thru some really hard times together, but we manage to stay really close!!! We have gotten to share both of our weddings together and I am sooo thankful for that!! Girls, I love all you and I hope you know that I will always be there for you!!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bridal Shower

Here are a few pictures from my Bridal Shower. The top picture is of Brittany (my best friend) and Karlea (a friend from work). The middle picture is of My mom, me and my soon-to-be mother in law!! I'm soo lucky to have a wonderful mother in law. I definetly couldn't have asked for a better one!! My mom is the greatest woman!! I have no idea what I would do without her!! And then the yummy cake!!!!


Here is our beautiful engagement picture! Dan proposed on a weekend trip to Ocean City in December of 2006. We took a walk down to the beach, he got on one knee and asked me to marry him!! I was so surprised and excited!!! We both knew it was going to be hard to plan a wedding because we both had so many friends and family. We both knew we wanted to get married soon after that so we decided that September 2007 would be a great time!! And so the planning started...

Monday, August 11, 2008

The start of blogging

Well I've tried to figure this out on my own, so hopefully I did it all right!!! I thought it would be fun to keep up with my sister!! I was especially excited about the creative title for the blog page.